Monday, February 9, 2009

Touch bases with aunts

Another day! I'm quite proud of myself for sticking to this blog. At least I have managed to find my blog. I started one the first of the year and lost it. Not much need to blog if you have to start a new one somewhere different every day. I'm a learn as you go type that has to fail sometimes to learn. Computer skills do not come easy for me. Sometimes when I finally succeed at something, I'm not sure how I did it later. Hasn't stopped me from continuing to try yet.
Just called two of my aunts. One 600 hundred miles away and the other not so far away. They remind me of my mother, their sister, who passed away six years ago. A good way to start my day, touching base with loved ones.
Signed up on Twitter. Have no idea what I'm doing but am looking for some marketing help for self promoting books. Have four interested in following me. That's a start, looking at their website to see what they know and do.
Thought I might put in an excerpt from "Christmas Traditions" and then move on tomorrow.
Chapter Two Page 19
The kitchen seemed more dismal than before if that was possible. Very quiet in the strained silence with only Levi, full of gloom and doom, left at the table so very close to her. When Luke left, it seemed to her that the room's bright light had been snuffed out. She watched the glum man out of the corner of her eyes and sipped her tea as she waited for some response from him. Any words beat his silence.
The fire snapped and crackled in the cookstove. The half empty tea kettle whistled a screeching tune that grated on her raw nerves. She braced herself for their once a year talk about Luke. This might be the only time Levi and she would be alone. The problem was how to begin now that she risked Levi's wrath, contradicting him like she did by sending Jeremiah and Luke after a Christmas tree.
Suddenly, the man's head reared up. "Why didn't thy husband come with thee this year?"

There you have it a taste of the 210 page book.
How about tomorrow, I put on my to do list to tell you about some of my favorite free ad spots for books.

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