Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Break From Writing

I've been lucky for two decades now that my time has been spent doing what I loved to do. First a CNA position at a local nursing home, taking care of elderly residents. Then retirement with plenty of leisure time mixed with gardening, fishing and helping my husband take care of our animals and chickens. No alarm clock breaking up our early morning sleep. No looking at the clock to see if it was coffee break time. We sit down any time we want to just enjoy the day. Best of all, I've had time to practice writing, develop books and thanks to Create Space Self Publishing get my books printed at a price I can afford - free. I've made a blog post each week to keep my readers updated on my progress with each book I've been working on or have published. Once in awhile, I've missed a post when life got in the way but not for a long extended period of time. That is what I am facing now. A few months of uncertain future where my priorities are centered on my husband's health. He is just starting a long road of procedures and recovery which means we will be on the road to doctors and the hospital. So until my husband's health improves my focus is on him. The process of creative has been fun and a blessing that years ago I wouldn't have realized would be in my future. Remembering that will be the guiding force that keeps me looking ahead to brighter days. Right now I need to assist my husband with his needs. I am hopeful that this time in our lives will be behind us one day, and I can get back to my book writing and blog postings. Until that time I'll post when I can although the posts might be few for awhile.