Na No Wri Mo Sounds like words to an African tribal dance if I didn't know better. In 2007, I read about this National Novel Writing Month contest which takes place in November. This contest has been happening since 1999. Thanks to the internet the amount of contestants, called NaNoers, went from 21 in 1999 to 94,000 in 2007.
This year I decided to check into the details. The contest is free to enter. At the end of the month I would have to have fifty thousand words to finish in the contest. Then in December the novel can be edited and polished. A winner is picked from the entries. There is a list of writers that have had a novel published after entering it in this contest.
From what I read the authors are winging their story. They aren't expected to know where the novel is going, but every day just pick up where they left off. Don't worry about a chapter by chapter plot synopsis or an outline. This approach to writing is not new to me. It's the way I approached all my books. The secret is in going back to rework the story, edit and polish it into a work you can be proud to have your name on.
On a whim I entered the 6th of November. So I was already five days behind which worried me. I tried to tell myself two thousands words a day doesn't sound like a lot for me. Once I made up for those six days that is, fifty thousand words should be no problem. Little did I know that this would be one of those months when I would be gone at least half of the thirty days. Little things have gotten in the way of my writing a novel like a wedding, book signing, dental visits and now Thanksgiving.
Several November days, I spent most of the afternoon emailing libraries in Iowa, Missouri and Pennsylvania to let them know about my two Amish books listed in Ingram Distribution Catalog. In the email I mentioned that I had an online bookstore that all my books can be purchased from, thinking that libraries could go to the website to look at the books. Maybe even buy books from my site.
Quite an undertaking to do that many emails when I realized how many libraries there were in each state. Made me glad for copy and paste. For Iowa, I mentioned that I lived here. As for Missouri, I had emailed the libraries last year when I published my Civil War book which is a fact/fiction book based in Vernon County, Missouri. Maybe they will remember me. Maybe not. I've been told many emails about new books target libraries. As for Pennsylvania, residents buy my Amish books more than any other state. One theme that was on most library sites in that state was the fact state funding had been cut for libraries which meant their budgets had to be reduced. This didn't sound like a good time to be advertising books for sale, but my self published, paperback books are inexpensive compared to books from publishers that are sold in bookstores. Perhaps, a library's reduced budget would be a reason to buy my books. Now I wait and see. If I have any luck with these libraries, I still have 48 states to go.
There's something to be said for incentive. Being in the NaNoWriMo contest has given me that. I had the story line all plotted in my head for some time but advertising and starting the new website had kept me from getting started on the book. Now I am well under way. Maybe not far enough along for NaNoWriMo, but looking forward to releasing it sometime next year.
Thanksgiving is upon us. As with many family gatherings, relatives have to travel. We go to Marion to my younger brother's for lunch. As usual, he has barbecued turkey on the menu. Not such an undertaking the way he does it. The grill is in the garage out of the wind. There's a thermometer inserted in the turkey that transmit to a sensor in the kitchen so he can watch the rising temperature. Once or twice, my brother runs outside to check briefly just to be on the safe side. The rest of the time he is visiting with us and watching a parade.
For the evening meal, we rush forty miles or so from Marion to Belle Plaine to my husband's mother's house for another big meal. Sometimes I think it was a mistake to put Thanksgiving and Christmas so close on the calendar. We no sooner get our appetites back from Thanksgiving and Christmas comes with more food. Come to think of it. We are truly blessed and should count our blessings every day. We have our families close and plenty to eat.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and travel safe. I'll be back next Tuesday.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A New Member In Our Family
Just to prove I don't think about writing books or selling them all the time, I'm going to tell you about a wedding I attended last weekend.
Remember my blog about going to a bridal shower in October for my husband's niece. Last Saturday afternoon, the 14th, was the wedding. This was at St. Paul Methodist Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A beautiful, old church in the round with a cornerstone dated 1913.
However, the understated, lovely wedding ceremony took place in the chapel. It was a ceremony that reminded me of yesteryears with simple, not too expensive planning. No attendants and only family from both sides to witness the event. The bride was absolutely gorgeous in her bridal gown, holding a bouquet of red roses and the groom very handsome in his tuxedo. Though the bride planned 99% of the wedding and reception, by the groom's own admission, these two are well grounded young people who wanted to keep the ceremony simple.
The reception was for friends as well as family and a tribute to how popular the newlyweds are by how crowded the room was. The food was delicious. The four flavored multa tiered square cake was decorative as well as flavors for everyone. I hear there was one tier of lemon. By the time I got to the cake table the lemon cake was gone.
The reception was held on Mt. Vernon Road in a rustic area. A man went out in the parking lot for a breath of fresh air and swears he saw a five point buck meandering between the cars. Deer are thick everywhere in the area, but he was the only eye witness to a hunter's dream of a five point buck.
Our celebration with the newlyweds didn't stop with the reception. Since we were going to be in Cedar Rapids for a book signing the next day at Lemstone Christian Bookstore, we were invited to the couple's for a soup supper and the wedding gift opening.
It's nice to see the groom feels right at home as a member of this family, but then he has had five years to let us get use to him. He likes to tease, and I hear he can be a joker. I too like to tease so we should get along fine.
As we were putting on our coats to leave Sunday evening, I said I had gotten used to having two free suppers in a row on the newlyweds. What time was supper on Monday? The groom said he would set a bucket on the outside by the door. I would be expected to make a donation before I entered. I told him I knew meals on him was a good thing that was too good to last.
We look forward to seeing this busy couple on holidays and any time in between they want to visit.
Remember my blog about going to a bridal shower in October for my husband's niece. Last Saturday afternoon, the 14th, was the wedding. This was at St. Paul Methodist Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A beautiful, old church in the round with a cornerstone dated 1913.
However, the understated, lovely wedding ceremony took place in the chapel. It was a ceremony that reminded me of yesteryears with simple, not too expensive planning. No attendants and only family from both sides to witness the event. The bride was absolutely gorgeous in her bridal gown, holding a bouquet of red roses and the groom very handsome in his tuxedo. Though the bride planned 99% of the wedding and reception, by the groom's own admission, these two are well grounded young people who wanted to keep the ceremony simple.
The reception was for friends as well as family and a tribute to how popular the newlyweds are by how crowded the room was. The food was delicious. The four flavored multa tiered square cake was decorative as well as flavors for everyone. I hear there was one tier of lemon. By the time I got to the cake table the lemon cake was gone.
The reception was held on Mt. Vernon Road in a rustic area. A man went out in the parking lot for a breath of fresh air and swears he saw a five point buck meandering between the cars. Deer are thick everywhere in the area, but he was the only eye witness to a hunter's dream of a five point buck.
Our celebration with the newlyweds didn't stop with the reception. Since we were going to be in Cedar Rapids for a book signing the next day at Lemstone Christian Bookstore, we were invited to the couple's for a soup supper and the wedding gift opening.
It's nice to see the groom feels right at home as a member of this family, but then he has had five years to let us get use to him. He likes to tease, and I hear he can be a joker. I too like to tease so we should get along fine.
As we were putting on our coats to leave Sunday evening, I said I had gotten used to having two free suppers in a row on the newlyweds. What time was supper on Monday? The groom said he would set a bucket on the outside by the door. I would be expected to make a donation before I entered. I told him I knew meals on him was a good thing that was too good to last.
We look forward to seeing this busy couple on holidays and any time in between they want to visit.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
After The Book Signing

Book Signing
Sunday was a good day for me as an author. What's better than a book signing in a bookstore, sitting with three other authors. I feel like I have much I need to know about being an author and I always learn from conversations with other writers and book buyers. Since my topic - Alzheimer's - is a heavy one I always hope that I helped a caregiver or someone struggling with the prospect of dementia in their future.
There were four of us with stacks of books in front of us. Kent Stock, Marion, Iowa, the coach from "The Final Season" fame has written a book along the same lines titled "Heading For Home". Karen Roth, Austin Texas, has a new, sequel, fictional book titled "My Portion Forever". Her first book is "Found On 16th Avenue" which is set in Czech Village in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where she grew up. A doctor, Mary Ann Nelson has a book on child care and one on Elder Care. My books were about Alzheimer's - "Open A Window - Alzheimer's Caregiver Handbook" ISBN 1438244991 and "Hello Alzheimer's Good Bye Dad - A Daughter's Journal" ISBN 1438278276
On one end of the table, Karen Roth had a built in following because she grew up in Czech Village. You may remember that is the area hit by the flood in 2008. Old friends and relatives, along with customers who had her first book, lined up to greet her and buy books so she could sign them.
On the other end, Kent Stock had customers who remembered the Norway baseball team as I did or were sports fans. I bought one of Kent's books because I am remember those exciting days in Norway. (Besides I wanted his autograph). I could get the signed book on his website but that wasn't the same as in person. And I told him I might not ever get to see him again. He said now that I said that we would probably run into each other several times. I said, "Hopefully at another book signing." I'm ready.
Next to me on the other side was Dr. Nelson. She seemed interested in my books and my foundation for writing such books. I'm always willing to explain my years of working with people who had Alzheimer's and some of what I was taught by my experiences.
Three customers stood nearby discussing what they liked to read. I over heard one lady say she read all the Amish books she could find. When Mary Ann Nelson asked me what else I had written I was telling her about my two Amish books. I heard the customer expel an OH! As if she was thinking there is more books that might interest her. With so much going on around me, I'm hoping she picked up one of my business cards and plans to follow up on my books.
Between customers the four of us authors had a few moments to learn about each other and our books and writing and publishing experiences. We exchanged websites so here are the ones you should check out if you like to help out Iowa authors.
Kent Stock -
Karen Roth -
Fay Risner -
Dr. Nelson doesn't have a website for her books but you can ask for them at Lemstone Christian Bookstore in Collins Plaza, Cedar Rapids, Iowa and I'm sure many other places. The large, hard cover books are full of educational information designed to help.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Me -- Interesting?

I now have the information about the other authors that will be with me at the Nov. 15th book signing at the Lemstone Christian Bookstore in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This week I visited the store to talk to the owner about the book signing. While I was there I found out what I needed to know to report accurately about the authors. Kent Stock, Marion, Ia, from "The Final Season" fame has written "Heading For Home." His story about being a successful coach, teacher and business man. Karen Roth, San Antonio, Texas and formally from Cedar Rapids, Ia has her second book out. "My Portion Forever". Her first book is "Found On 16th Avenue". She writes about growing up in Czech Village in Cedar Rapids which last year was in the devastating flood.
When I can get the Internet to cooperate with me, I'm back writing blogs on a new monitor the size of a small television instead of the very small, ten year old screen I was using. I can't believe what a difference screen size makes when I'm staring at it for a long period of time. Not that there is that much wrong with my eyesight as long as I wear my glasses. The fact is I'm feeling great, busy and full of purpose. It took a visit with a young neighbor girl to get me thinking about the generational gap between her and me and to bring this gap into prospective.
When I answered the phone one evening recently, I had to ask the caller to repeat her name. I want you to know I'm not hard of hearing. I'd heard right the first time, but I was too surprised to believe I had. It was the fourteen year old neighbor who lives in seeing distance of my home.
It seemed over night I watched her change from baby to toddler to an energetic child to a bashful preteen that didn't speak when she came with her father to visit. Now a teenager, she was still very quiet this summer with a look on her face that said she would run for home if we spoke to her.
Her father described her as his Tomboy. Her attire was a shirt and jeans. Dresses were for a rare occasion. Most likely an occasion deemed appropriate by her mother. She went with her father to the barn to help with chores until she was old enough to do them on her own. Her love of animals led to her taking care of a flock of sheep and a horse. She worked with a lamb so she could enter the sheep exhibits at the county fair.
Out of the blue, she called me and got right to the point. "I have to write a story about someone for English Lit. I want to interview you for the story."
Not comprehending why she would call me for her assignment, I said, "Okay, but why me?"
"Because I think you're interesting," she said.
I must admit I was baffled by that statement. We set up a time for her to come late one afternoon after school on a day between cheerleading practice and a football game. In walked a young woman who over the summer had grown a foot taller than me. Her long, dark blonde hair was styled. She had on makeup. Best of all, she was smiling as if she was happy to see me. Her father had told us a few weeks earlier he had lost his Tomboy. He was having trouble adjusting to the fact since the change happened suddenly. Now I saw first hand what he meant.
We sat at the dining room table so she could spread out the contents of the folder she carried. First thing she said in a very direct manner, "I can make the interview short and write three pages. That won't get me an A." As she shuffled through her papers to get organized, she continued, "If I talk to you longer and write 5 pages, that would get me an A. I would rather get the A. It's up to you how much you want to tell me. The teacher said not to talk too much if you would rather I didn't stay long."
I told her she could take all the time she needed. Why would I want to rush her when I finally had her talking to me. I wanted to get to know her. I said I would do my best to answer her questions, but I warned her she might have to spice up her story. I was pretty sure I wasn't interesting enough to get her that A. I offered to go over the story so we could do just that, spice it up. I could even proof read it for her while I was at it to make sure she got the A. She said she couldn't let me do that. The teacher told the students to bring the stories to her so she could give them pointers on making the stories better before they turned the final product in.
"So where do we start?" I asked.
"From the moment you were born."
"That is going back a long ways. We may need a lot of time," I warned her.
Reading from a list of questions, birth was the first question the teacher had furnished to help the students with this story telling process. The girl wasn't sure how some of the questions applied to me, but I encouraged her to ask me anyway. Once I elaborated enough that I unwittingly answered the next question.
I fear I was born in a much earlier generation than the teacher. Maybe she thought the students would pick someone more her age to interview instead of someone who could have been the girl's grandmother. I came by that impression when I was asked the question, "How did the arts and craft movement play a part in my life or did it?"
Through my mind scrolled my childhood years in the Missouri Ozarks. Nothing about my early life was an arts and craft experience, but I was determined to give her an answer. Once in awhile we went to a western movie on a Saturday night in a vacant lot next to Schell City's car repair garage. As for crafts, my family was in to crafts, but the main objective for being crafty was to make money. My father built flower baskets, with a log cabin look, from twigs. My mother made crape paper roses she dipped in paraffin. Back in the fifties, we didn't have plastic or silk flowers. My younger brother and my part of this work was after supper. Mom gave us boxes of Kleenex in different colors. We folded a couple Kleenexes in accordion folds and wrapped a wire around the middle. The ends with the fold had to be cut off, then we carefully pulled each fragile layer of tissue paper to the middle. When we were done, we had a carnation. The flowers were arranged in a bouquet in the log cabin baskets and sold to neighbors for Memorial Day decorations to take to the cemeteries. Any basket left we spent the day delivering to cemeteries for our relatives. This story was noted. Maybe she could figure out a way to work it in.
Two hours and several pages of notes later, the girl gave me the last question. The time had passed fast for her and me as well. Since we never had really had a conversation I doubt she was prepared for how much I can elaborate on a subject when given the chance. However, she left happy with her interview and eager to turn it into a story. I asked her to let me know if she got that A.
According to her father, who came over recently to tell me after a talk with his daughter, she had been nervous about talking to me. By the time we finished, she was excited to relate to her parents all the experiences I had shared with her. Her father says she is very impressed with me. That is a two way street. What were the things she found most interesting about my life? It wasn't that I write books and have been a CNA. What impressed her was the fact that I can vegetables we raise. She had me show her my pressure cooker and explain the process. The other thing was that I have for years did my own vet work as much as possible for my flock of sheep and goats. Though she takes care of sheep, she had never thought about giving shots or helping during a difficult birthing and all their food comes from the grocery store. Wow! I could do all that. Not what I would call interesting. These are things I have done for years. Just part of life as a person who lives in the country.
It didn't matter that she wasn't impressed when I said I was an author. I found this bashful Tomboy had turned into a polite, articulate, caring and lovely young woman. I told her to come back and visit any time she wanted, and I hope she does. Maybe I can get her to help me can green beans.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Nov. 15 Book Signing Lemstone Christian Bookstore, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Book Signing Announcement
On November 15, Keystone author Fay Risner has been invited to a book signing at Lemstone Christian Bookstore located in Collins Plaza Mall across from Linndale Mall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa from one to three p.m. Risner will talk about the two books the store sells for her - "Open A Window - Alzheimer's Caregiver Handbook" and "Hello Alzheimer's Good Bye Dad" the story of her father Bill Bullock's struggle with Alzheimer's.
I'm excited to be invited to this book signing at the Lemstone Christian Bookstore. The owners have been planning this event for months. The main hitch was trying to set a date that three authors could commit to.
Other authors at the book signing will be Kent Stock from the movie "The Final Season" the story about Norway, Iowa's baseball team and Karen Ross from Texas with her newly released book about growing up in Czech Village in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sorry that I don't have the name of either of their books, but will share those titles next week along with my story about meeting these authors.
I'd been forewarned for months that a book signing was coming soon, but a week's notice has me rushing to plan my portion of the event. First I am very glad to have email. I alerted friends and family.
With such a short notice coming in on Saturday, I don't expect much publicity to be done. I know the local weekly paper has a Monday noon deadline. Monday morning was going to be a busy morning for me between a dental visit and errands. I don't own a cell phone which might surprise most people. That means while I was driving I couldn't call the newspaper. That's why I emailed my book signing article in to the office on Sunday. Also, I emailed a daily newspaper at the county seat.
Next, I made up a flyer to put up on every bulletin board in the area. That will catch people going to the bank, telephone office, post office, library or the local nursing home.
I plan on arriving at the bookstore early Sunday with a copy of each book. The bookstore has a supply, but I want customers to be able to see my books while they are speaking to me. "Hello Alzheimer's Good Bye Dad" has a 1947 picture of my parents on the cover. The customers that will gravitate toward me are ones who are facing Alzheimer's with a family member, or they fear the disease is in their future. What better way to sell a book than to come face to face with someone who was a caregiver (me) and see first hand what a healthy, youthful man (my dad) looked like before he fell victim to the disease. Plus, I share some of my family's experiences that are in the book.
To pick up the book "Open A Window" and hold it long enough to read the reviews on the back doesn't explain stories within that tells of the battles people faced with Alzheimer's. I can convey that verbally in person much better. I just sold both these books to a dental tech. She read a potion of "Open A Window" before my last visit. She told me what she read made her cry because it reminded her of her grandmother's struggle. Holding the book doesn't make a customer feel emotions or empathy. Reading about the people in my book does that. In order to learn more about Alzheimer's disease and understand what happens to people who have it, you have to buy the book and read it.
I'll let you know next week about my book signing.
On November 15, Keystone author Fay Risner has been invited to a book signing at Lemstone Christian Bookstore located in Collins Plaza Mall across from Linndale Mall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa from one to three p.m. Risner will talk about the two books the store sells for her - "Open A Window - Alzheimer's Caregiver Handbook" and "Hello Alzheimer's Good Bye Dad" the story of her father Bill Bullock's struggle with Alzheimer's.
I'm excited to be invited to this book signing at the Lemstone Christian Bookstore. The owners have been planning this event for months. The main hitch was trying to set a date that three authors could commit to.
Other authors at the book signing will be Kent Stock from the movie "The Final Season" the story about Norway, Iowa's baseball team and Karen Ross from Texas with her newly released book about growing up in Czech Village in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sorry that I don't have the name of either of their books, but will share those titles next week along with my story about meeting these authors.
I'd been forewarned for months that a book signing was coming soon, but a week's notice has me rushing to plan my portion of the event. First I am very glad to have email. I alerted friends and family.
With such a short notice coming in on Saturday, I don't expect much publicity to be done. I know the local weekly paper has a Monday noon deadline. Monday morning was going to be a busy morning for me between a dental visit and errands. I don't own a cell phone which might surprise most people. That means while I was driving I couldn't call the newspaper. That's why I emailed my book signing article in to the office on Sunday. Also, I emailed a daily newspaper at the county seat.
Next, I made up a flyer to put up on every bulletin board in the area. That will catch people going to the bank, telephone office, post office, library or the local nursing home.
I plan on arriving at the bookstore early Sunday with a copy of each book. The bookstore has a supply, but I want customers to be able to see my books while they are speaking to me. "Hello Alzheimer's Good Bye Dad" has a 1947 picture of my parents on the cover. The customers that will gravitate toward me are ones who are facing Alzheimer's with a family member, or they fear the disease is in their future. What better way to sell a book than to come face to face with someone who was a caregiver (me) and see first hand what a healthy, youthful man (my dad) looked like before he fell victim to the disease. Plus, I share some of my family's experiences that are in the book.
To pick up the book "Open A Window" and hold it long enough to read the reviews on the back doesn't explain stories within that tells of the battles people faced with Alzheimer's. I can convey that verbally in person much better. I just sold both these books to a dental tech. She read a potion of "Open A Window" before my last visit. She told me what she read made her cry because it reminded her of her grandmother's struggle. Holding the book doesn't make a customer feel emotions or empathy. Reading about the people in my book does that. In order to learn more about Alzheimer's disease and understand what happens to people who have it, you have to buy the book and read it.
I'll let you know next week about my book signing.
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