Book Signing
Sunday was a good day for me as an author. What's better than a book signing in a bookstore, sitting with three other authors. I feel like I have much I need to know about being an author and I always learn from conversations with other writers and book buyers. Since my topic - Alzheimer's - is a heavy one I always hope that I helped a caregiver or someone struggling with the prospect of dementia in their future.
There were four of us with stacks of books in front of us. Kent Stock, Marion, Iowa, the coach from "The Final Season" fame has written a book along the same lines titled "Heading For Home". Karen Roth, Austin Texas, has a new, sequel, fictional book titled "My Portion Forever". Her first book is "Found On 16th Avenue" which is set in Czech Village in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where she grew up. A doctor, Mary Ann Nelson has a book on child care and one on Elder Care. My books were about Alzheimer's - "Open A Window - Alzheimer's Caregiver Handbook" ISBN 1438244991 and "Hello Alzheimer's Good Bye Dad - A Daughter's Journal" ISBN 1438278276
On one end of the table, Karen Roth had a built in following because she grew up in Czech Village. You may remember that is the area hit by the flood in 2008. Old friends and relatives, along with customers who had her first book, lined up to greet her and buy books so she could sign them.
On the other end, Kent Stock had customers who remembered the Norway baseball team as I did or were sports fans. I bought one of Kent's books because I am remember those exciting days in Norway. (Besides I wanted his autograph). I could get the signed book on his website but that wasn't the same as in person. And I told him I might not ever get to see him again. He said now that I said that we would probably run into each other several times. I said, "Hopefully at another book signing." I'm ready.
Next to me on the other side was Dr. Nelson. She seemed interested in my books and my foundation for writing such books. I'm always willing to explain my years of working with people who had Alzheimer's and some of what I was taught by my experiences.
Three customers stood nearby discussing what they liked to read. I over heard one lady say she read all the Amish books she could find. When Mary Ann Nelson asked me what else I had written I was telling her about my two Amish books. I heard the customer expel an OH! As if she was thinking there is more books that might interest her. With so much going on around me, I'm hoping she picked up one of my business cards and plans to follow up on my books.
Between customers the four of us authors had a few moments to learn about each other and our books and writing and publishing experiences. We exchanged websites so here are the ones you should check out if you like to help out Iowa authors.
Kent Stock - www.kentstock.com
Karen Roth - www.karenrothbooks.com
Fay Risner - www.booksbyfaybookstore.weebly.com
Dr. Nelson doesn't have a website for her books but you can ask for them at Lemstone Christian Bookstore in Collins Plaza, Cedar Rapids, Iowa and I'm sure many other places. The large, hard cover books are full of educational information designed to help.
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