Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fay Risner's 18th Book

I've been without an internet or phone for two days. As I'm writing this blog post, I have a connection but it keeps coming and going. Seems the wind gusting up to 50 miles an hour is interfering.

I've always liked to read westerns and watch cowboy shows. Maybe because I was raised that way. In the fifties my parents took us to western movies in a vacant lot during the summer. We sat on hard benches on Saturday evenings and enjoyed every minute. Since westerns were the only movies we went to see I didn't realize there were any other kind for a long time.

When I worked with a woman that loves westerns, she encouraged me to write one. That's when I wrote The Dark Wind Howls Over Mary - my first Stringbean Hooper Western. I didn't think there would be another one until the same woman asked me to continue with Stringbean Hooper's story. She even gave me a story line to follow. All right, so here it is the book she is waiting for - Small Feet's Many Moon Journey - ISBN 1453899448.

Back Cover

Looking forward to a journey across country to San Jose, California, Stringbean Hooper and his wife, Theo, have no idea just how much trouble they can get into. Theo considers this trip their honeymoon and a change to be at her brother, Brock's wedding. Stringbean has been in one place too long and is eager to see country he hasn't seen before.

Stringbean gets them lost in Indian territory and upsets the Indians. The couple escapes a flood, a mad bear, spends the night in a run down cabin with a woman crazy with prairie fever and more.

Through it all, Stringbean meets the challenges with his usual sense of humor, but he notices as the journey drags on Theo is getting crankier by the minute. He sure hopes she lightens up by the time they get to her brother's wedding in San Jose. It didn't help him any to have warning advice freely handed out to Theo, known as Small Feet, by Indian shaman Matilda Vinci. The old woman warns Theo to be careful while traveling with Stringbean who's Sioux name is Walking Dead. He might get her killed.

Now I'm waiting until November 1 to start my next book in the NaNoWriMo contest. This will be the third book in the Nurse Hal Among The Amish Series I'm working on during the contest. So because I am in earnest this year about getting my 50,000 words in, I'll be working on that instead of posting to my blog. Last year was my first time in the contest. I found getting to the finish line was harder than I thought it would be. Too many days I was away from the computer, and I just couldn't catch up so this time I'm prepared to stick with writing. I'll let you know how I did the last of November.

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