My posts will be far and in between this month while I work on a book in the National Novel Writing Month Contest or known as NaNoWriMo. This is my fourth year of entering the contest and I am a little over the half way mark for my 50,000 words finish line, but I spend my time writing for the contest and have only that on my mind. My focus right now is to come up with a full book which I can later edit and publish at Create Space Self Publishing.
That doesn't stop me from thinking about all the veterans that served our country. We can't imagine what they went through in battle with their lives in danger or those that lost their lives and what their families have gone through since as they sorrow from the loss of a loved one.
Books from veterans are on the market. We need read them and educate ourselves to what it was like for those brave military Americans. One such book has been written by Mickey M. Bright about his three tours of duty in Vietnam. He battled not only the enemy but the substance abuse vises of the day along with many of his comrades in arms. His is a honest look at life under fire. You can buy his paperback book on Amazon or through Smashwords.com. The ebook version is in Nook Store, Kindle Store and on Smashwords.com.
Whether I make it over the finish line with this book or not, it will be published sometime next year. This is another in the Amish series titled Nurse Hal Among the Amish. The book is Noah's Courting Buggy.

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