Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Favorite Links and Search Words

The end of another year has arrived. Seems like time goes by too fast. I hear people say all the time, where has this year gone? I think the same thing. Sometimes I wonder if I made the most of the last year, but I have no intention of reflecting back long to see if I did. My intention at the beginning of 2009 was to try. I 'll never know if I succeeded, but my New Year's resolution this year is to try very hard to concentrate on my writing in 2010 and see where that resolution leads me. With that in mind, I'm going to start blogging once a week on Tuesday instead of twice. The book I'm working on is about two thirds done. While working on the story I get caught up in the characters and lose all track of time. Perhaps, that's why I can say I don't know where the last year went. I consider myself very lucky. I'm doing something that makes me content and keeps me busy. What more can I ask for any year in the future?

Did Santa bring me my book Computer for Dummies? No, but I found an answer to my problem on my own. Well, I had some expert advice from my brother who knows computers. Happily, I find I can buy a small device that will play my new printshop photo software. That means I won't have to send the software back and keep struggling with my old software. It means I don't have to unhook everything attached to my computer and take it to the shop in the middle of winter. My problem is solved. Would I have spent so much on the software if I had known that it downloads from a DVD which I don't have the means of playing? No, because I wouldn't have wanted the expense of the player. Perhaps, there is a reason for everything that happens. No matter the cost, I am looking forward to trying my hand at new and improved pictures to use as book covers. However with that problem solved, knowing that the coming year is only a few days away has me reflecting on more important things. I was recently absorbed with links and search words while trying to get the word online about my books. However, I know my most important links and search words have nothing to do with the computer.

I retired a year ago from my CNA job which I really liked. I go back to the nursing home once a month to visit. The handful of women residents that I visit are always glad to see me. A couple weeks ago, I stopped to talk to one of the CNAs. While I was in the break room I noticed a envelope on the bulletin board with my name on it. Always in a hurry in the winter to get the errands done and get home before the wind blows the roads or my driveway shut, I laid the envelope in the car seat until later. When I finally looked to see what I had, I found a Christmas card from one of the residents I hadn't visited in the last year. His family had enclosed a Linda Eder music CD as thanks for my taking good care of him. My first thought was didn't they know I've been retired for a year? The resident certainly must have missed me or maybe not. I called the administrator to find out if I should bring the CD back in. How could I deserve a gift for a year I hadn't worked?

It turns out there wasn't a mistake. When the man's family asked which of the staff did he want to have a CD, my name went on the list. I made it a point to go see that resident and thank him. The pleased smile he gave me when I told him I appreciated his thoughtfulness and that I really loved Linda Eder's music told me a mistake hadn't been made. Though he has made me a fan of Linda Eder's singing, the gift he gave me had far less to do with that CD and more to do with how he appreciated my company and help in 2008. So often while nursing home staff are caught up in the hard work they do, they don't take the time to contemplate the little things they do for the residents that might not have been a part of their training. Things that mean so much to them and make them remember the staff like a pat on the hand, staying long enough to listen and really hear, and giving a hug when needed. The staff might not get a CD, but they certainly will make the residents day.

The search words family and friends are very important words to me. They are the blessings I count this time of year, because I have them in my life. The last day of the year is the birthday of one of my nephews. He a second grader, full of enthusiasm for life, smart beyond belief and a joy to be around. I look forward to watching him grow and seeing each new year through his eyes.

That next book I talked about. It's the second in my Nurse Hal Among The Amish series. For those of you who read the first one watch for the release sometime in the next year. The tentative title is Nurse Hal's Rainbow. Now I wish you a safe and fun New Year's Eve and good luck and health in 2010 from

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