Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Happy Holidays
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Author Fay Risner Winner in Nanowrimo Contest Nov. 2012
After months of not working on a book, I came back the first of November with a passion to write something so I entered the National Novel Writing Month contest. I've entered it before so I have a better understanding of how to work on my word count to make it to the finish line. It's easy to keep track of how I'm doing with the STAT board that tells me how many words I wrote and totaled them. I check on my computer, but my word count on it is always less than on the contest site. This time I had my 50,000 plus 657 more words by November 22nd then I stopped. For making the finish line, I will get some free books when I publish this book at Create Space Self Publishing.
I had to be gone almost every afternoon, taking my husband to the clinic in Iowa City. So I was up early and writing. Now as soon as I edit the book I can publish it. This book will take a lot of editing so I'll be awhile. The site wanted a book cover so I made one. It's good to have that out of the way. Now I need a blurb for the back cover.
The title of the book is Poor Defenseless Addie - Seventh book in the Amazing Gracie Mystery series.
The story is about an elderly woman that takes in her son. He turns out to be an abusive drunk. Gracie Evans and her friends from the retirement home in Locked Rock, Iowa visit with Addie often. They notice the bruises on Addie so they tell the town Marshal. He tells Sheriff Logan to do a background check on Addie's son. In the meantime, Gracie is afraid the man is going to harm Addie. When he finds out, Gracie has been to the Marshal's office then she has to fear he will harm her.
The contest is fun to try and free. It's really great to motivate writers to get the shell of a book done. Give it a try even if you aren't sure you can write a book. No one judges the correctness of words and sentences. When a person is writing that fast the sentences are bound to be sloppy. What you want is 50,000 words to be a winner. Editing is for later when you can take your time.
Now I've got a year to think about what kind of story I'm going to write next November.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Helpful Contributors Ebook filled with writers tips published by Publetariat Editor April Hamilton
Saturday, August 11, 2012
A Break From Writing
I've been lucky for two decades now that my time has been spent doing what I loved to do. First a CNA position at a local nursing home, taking care of elderly residents. Then retirement with plenty of leisure time mixed with gardening, fishing and helping my husband take care of our animals and chickens. No alarm clock breaking up our early morning sleep. No looking at the clock to see if it was coffee break time. We sit down any time we want to just enjoy the day. Best of all, I've had time to practice writing, develop books and thanks to Create Space Self Publishing get my books printed at a price I can afford - free.
I've made a blog post each week to keep my readers updated on my progress with each book I've been working on or have published. Once in awhile, I've missed a post when life got in the way but not for a long extended period of time. That is what I am facing now. A few months of uncertain future where my priorities are centered on my husband's health. He is just starting a long road of procedures and recovery which means we will be on the road to doctors and the hospital. So until my husband's health improves my focus is on him.
The process of creative has been fun and a blessing that years ago I wouldn't have realized would be in my future. Remembering that will be the guiding force that keeps me looking ahead to brighter days. Right now I need to assist my husband with his needs. I am hopeful that this time in our lives will be behind us one day, and I can get back to my book writing and blog postings. Until that time I'll post when I can although the posts might be few for awhile.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
County Fair Memories
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Recalling and Making Memories
Monday, June 25, 2012
Make Your Offer
Sunday, June 10, 2012
A Road Trip To Centerville, Iowa

Monday, June 4, 2012
I Write Like - SUPRISE
Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Memorial Day Memories Sells
Decoration Day is coming up. The day brings up memories for me other than of fun vacations. This time we took my husband's 91 year old mother with us to the cemetery to place flowers, and I took pictures of the event.
Awhile back I wrote a story about my family recollections of the day and sold it to Good Old Days Magazine. I thought this might be a good time to share it with you. I've been fortunate to write short stories that fit this magazine. Old pictures are what jog my memories. I look through my mother's black and white pictures and some of my own until a story idea comes to me.
1950's Memorial Day Memories
Just before Memorial Day, my husband, Harold, and I drive to the country cemetery near Keystone, Iowa. It doesn't take long to put flowers on my parents graves and Harold's father's grave and drive 7 miles home. The first time I took Mom to put flowers in Dad's vase in 1999, she gave me orders when this duty fell to me I should always put red roses in Dad's vase, because that was his favorite flower. Any spring flowers on her side would do. Doing that for her each year brings back memories about decorating graves when I was a kid.
Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day. My family didn't think of the day as a summer holiday. We seldom went anywhere with cows to milk twice a day. The day was just what the name implied. A day to decorate graves. For my parents, my brother, John, and me that became an all day process. My parents didn't have to hunt for the graves. They visited the spots for years and probably helped carry many of those people to their rest. The reason it took all day was we met up with other people doing the same thing. My parents started a conversation and visited awhile. These might have been people my parents knew from way back or just strangers. People weren't in such a hurry back then. They took the time to visit.
We lived on an 80 acre farm near Schell City, Missouri. My parents, Bill and Sylvia Bullock, supplemented their income by making and selling flower baskets to take to the cemeteries. So after school for a couple months, John and I made carnations from Kleenex. We put two tissues together, folded them up accordion style, tied a wire around the middle and cut off the folded end. Carefully, we separated each ply and pulled the tissues to the middle. After school, John and I wanted to play, but Mom insisted we make a certain number of flowers first.
Mom put together crepe paper roses. She cut petals and stretched them around a wire which she secured with green crepe paper wound down the stem. She used her scissors blade to run over the top of each petal to curl it. To weather proof the roses, Mom melted paraffin in a pan and dunked the flowers. This was the same hot wax Mom poured over jelly to seal the jars so the jelly wouldn't mold while stored in the root cellar.
Dad cut sticks and used finishing nails to build log cabin style baskets in different sizes. Mom did the flower arranging. The baskets hung by the handles on nails Dad hammered in the back porch wall. Word got around. Two of our teachers, Dorothy Felthoff and Edna Thomas, stopped to buy baskets as well as many other people.
By Decoration Day, we still had unsold baskets. The day dawned sticky hot in the Ozarks. At least, I don't remember a rainy Decoration Day. John and I had baskets wedged between us in our 35 Chevy's back seat and around our feet. The country roads leading to the cemeteries consisted of natural rock and potholes. With the windows cranked down to let air in the un-airconditioned car, red dust settled on everything in the car.
Mom fixed bologna sandwiches, potato chips and snowballs for dessert, thermos of coffee and Kool-aid. Bologna tasted better in the fifties. The slices were cut off a large, red wrapper covered roll and sold by the pound. She put our lunch in a cardboard box on the front seat between Dad and her.
My parents pulled weeds and tall grass away from some graves. John and I scattered like a covey of quail, looking at old tombstones. Dad always cautioned us, "Don't step on the graves." Out of respect sure but since the wooden coffins deteriorated long ago, he said we might find ourselves sinking along with collapsing soil into the graves. Mom's worry was poisonous snakes like copperheads and rattlers lurking in the shaggy grass. "Watch where you step," she admonished at each cemetery for fear we'd forgotten her previous warnings. Believe me when I tell you, we were more apt to forget Mom's warning than Dad's. To this day, we still watch where we step in the cemeteries.
Our first stop, Montevallo Cemetery, began our family tree lesson. The timber lined road led down a steep embankment to a shallow creek. That's where Dad stopped the car. In the summer, Mill creek was mostly mud which made it easy to walk across. After a short walk through a hayfield, we were at the cemetery. My brother and I were always fascinated by a cement platform, with two white metal chairs and a table on it, over a Montevallo banker/ Notary Public and his wife's grave. Back in those days, no one ever brought furniture to a cemetery. Years later, I hated to hear the furniture had been stolen.
There was a family connection with this banker. Dad's father's brother had a violent disagreement with him in the early 1900's about Dad's grandmother's farm land. Dad's Uncle Preston went to prison for attempted murder.
Amid Confederate soldiers and bushwhackers, my father's two grandfathers, Union soldiers, were laid to rest along side their wives and offspring. One homesteader grandfather, Hiram Taylor, returned to farm after the war. The other a homesteader as well, Charles Bullock, was a druggist after the war. Back in the day when plants, gathered from the timber, were turned into potions and compounds, he built a successful hardware/drug store in Montevallo. This civic minded grandfather was on the school board. He believed his children should have a good education.
Next to Charles and his wife, Harriet, was Dad's father, William (Button) Bullock, who had a reputation for being a partier like his brother, Preston. Button became a druggist after his schooling to be a doctor at St. Louis Medical College was cut short by Charles's death in 1895. Button took over the hardware/drug store from Harriet. He died at age 50 in 1924. In all fairness, a hereditary heart condition was the cause of death but this fun loving man's life style may have hastened his demise. Our musically talented Grandpa didn't miss a summer celebration, and most towns had one. He played the trumpet in Montevallo Order of Modern Woodmen of American lodge's band during the parades.
Button's wife, Addie, had to care for my dad and four other children. When the telephone came along, she cleaned out her fancy parlor and had a switch board installed to become Montevallo's first telephone exchange. Family friend, Eldon Steward, Eldorado Springs, Mo., told me when he was in the army he called home to talk to his mother. The reception was so bad Addie had to relay every word of the conversation. When Addie died in 1968, it was her wish to dig Grandpa Button up and bury them both in the Nevada cemetery. She said the Montevallo cemetery was too far back in the sticks to suit her. She refused to be buried there so Grandpa had to be moved.
Not far down the road, we visited Mom's two baby sisters graves, died 1919 and 1929, at Olive Branch Cemetery. The church sits close by where Mom's mother, Veder Bright, walked with her children to church. In that church one of Mom's brothers, Everett Bright, Nevada, Mo., married his childhood sweetheart, Lois Nichols, who lived close by.
Located east of Montevallo is Walnut Grove cemetery. We'd visit the grave of Isabel Taylor, a Black American. A slave before the Civil War, she was a neighbor to my parents and older brother, Billy, in the late thirties. Isabel walked with a limp, because her owner beat her with a single tree brace.
After the Civil War, "New" Montevallo was built. "Old" Montevallo had been burnt by the Wisconsin 3rd Calvary Regiment. The new hotel needed a cook so the owner hired Isabel and moved her to town. She outlived the hotel, became a nanny until the family's three boys grew up then the great grandmother of the boys moved in with Isabel to live out their lives together. Isabel had the distinction of being the only Black in town. She was affectionately known by all as Aunt Isabel. In 1943, 95 year old Aunt Isabel fainted on the wood cookstove. She was badly burnt. Montevallo citizens took turns sitting by her bedside, including my parents, day and night until she died. Her grave lays under a cedar tree, surrounded by a square of cement blocks. Not far from her is the grave of the man who hired her as a cook. He paid for her burial.
Next, we went to Virgil City Cemetery. All that's left of the town is an old shed. We visited Mom's great grandparents. Her parents sent her to live with John and Alvina Bright on their farm north of Montevallo when she was sixteen. She stayed two years to care for them. Mom missed every day contact with her family, but she loved her great grandparents. Great Grandma passed away in 1932. Great Grandpa moved in with Mom's grandparents, ending Mom's caregiving. In those days, families took care of their elderly relatives until they died.
Mom remembered her Great Grandfather as a gentle soul. Rheumatism caused him a lot of pain so he often had Mom rub a homemade liniment on his joints. Great Grandma, Alvina, had the title Blind Grandma tacked on her. So family lore goes, Alvina went blind one day when she stepped out of the outhouse. No one could give me a good reason why. So going blind went into the list of reasons why I worried about using our outhouse along with dive bombing mud dobbers, stepping or sitting on a black snake and the mean rooster laying in wait for me to come out.
Next stop was Moore Cemetery in Nevada to Luther and Flora Belle Bright's graves. Mom's grandmother, Flora Belle Bright, was known as Indian Grandma by the grownups in the family. Her heritage wasn't a matter for discussion with other people though they may have suspected. She was young when Mom's Grandpa Luther, a farmer, brought her home from Kansas. They became a well respected couple in Montevallo. Getting away from the farm for an all day drive sounded like fun when we started, but as the day dragged on and the cemeteries rolled by, John and I wanted to nap between stops. We'd curl up in the back seat until Dad looked in the rearview mirror. He'd say, "Stay awake." or "Sit up." He feared the old exhaust system was leaking into the car, and we might not ever wake up if he let us alone. By that time, we were tired, sweaty, cranky and asking often, "Can we go home now?"
Before Mom passed away, my husband and I took her back to Missouri. For me and her, this was a going back in time trip as we traveled to all the back roads cemeteries again. This time I took a camera. We owned a camera in the fifties but we didn't think about taking pictures of our outings in those days. For Mom's last trip, we bought plenty of silk flowers so she could decorate graves just like in the fifties.
She even put out extra decorations at Olive Branch Cemetery. Eldon Steward's grandparents, George and Bessie Hiestand are buried by their baby next to Mom's two sisters. The Heistands were life long friends of my grandparents and parents. After all of us moved to Iowa, the Hiestands took flowers for the Bright babies when they decorated their baby's grave. This one time, Mom returned the favor.
After ten years of taking care of my father who had Alzheimer's, Mom enjoyed the journey home to connect with the past which held pleasant memories for our whole family. Because I took her to all those cemeteries again, I hope she came back to Iowa with the peace of mind that she taught her children a life lesson years ago that would stick with them. Remember and honor those that came and went before you, because they had a hand in shaping who you are. And just as important, she wanted me to remember to always put out red roses for Dad and for her any spring flowers would do.
Happy Memorial Day!
Awhile back I wrote a story about my family recollections of the day and sold it to Good Old Days Magazine. I thought this might be a good time to share it with you. I've been fortunate to write short stories that fit this magazine. Old pictures are what jog my memories. I look through my mother's black and white pictures and some of my own until a story idea comes to me.
1950's Memorial Day Memories
Just before Memorial Day, my husband, Harold, and I drive to the country cemetery near Keystone, Iowa. It doesn't take long to put flowers on my parents graves and Harold's father's grave and drive 7 miles home. The first time I took Mom to put flowers in Dad's vase in 1999, she gave me orders when this duty fell to me I should always put red roses in Dad's vase, because that was his favorite flower. Any spring flowers on her side would do. Doing that for her each year brings back memories about decorating graves when I was a kid.
Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day. My family didn't think of the day as a summer holiday. We seldom went anywhere with cows to milk twice a day. The day was just what the name implied. A day to decorate graves. For my parents, my brother, John, and me that became an all day process. My parents didn't have to hunt for the graves. They visited the spots for years and probably helped carry many of those people to their rest. The reason it took all day was we met up with other people doing the same thing. My parents started a conversation and visited awhile. These might have been people my parents knew from way back or just strangers. People weren't in such a hurry back then. They took the time to visit.
We lived on an 80 acre farm near Schell City, Missouri. My parents, Bill and Sylvia Bullock, supplemented their income by making and selling flower baskets to take to the cemeteries. So after school for a couple months, John and I made carnations from Kleenex. We put two tissues together, folded them up accordion style, tied a wire around the middle and cut off the folded end. Carefully, we separated each ply and pulled the tissues to the middle. After school, John and I wanted to play, but Mom insisted we make a certain number of flowers first.
Mom put together crepe paper roses. She cut petals and stretched them around a wire which she secured with green crepe paper wound down the stem. She used her scissors blade to run over the top of each petal to curl it. To weather proof the roses, Mom melted paraffin in a pan and dunked the flowers. This was the same hot wax Mom poured over jelly to seal the jars so the jelly wouldn't mold while stored in the root cellar.
Dad cut sticks and used finishing nails to build log cabin style baskets in different sizes. Mom did the flower arranging. The baskets hung by the handles on nails Dad hammered in the back porch wall. Word got around. Two of our teachers, Dorothy Felthoff and Edna Thomas, stopped to buy baskets as well as many other people.
By Decoration Day, we still had unsold baskets. The day dawned sticky hot in the Ozarks. At least, I don't remember a rainy Decoration Day. John and I had baskets wedged between us in our 35 Chevy's back seat and around our feet. The country roads leading to the cemeteries consisted of natural rock and potholes. With the windows cranked down to let air in the un-airconditioned car, red dust settled on everything in the car.
Mom fixed bologna sandwiches, potato chips and snowballs for dessert, thermos of coffee and Kool-aid. Bologna tasted better in the fifties. The slices were cut off a large, red wrapper covered roll and sold by the pound. She put our lunch in a cardboard box on the front seat between Dad and her.
My parents pulled weeds and tall grass away from some graves. John and I scattered like a covey of quail, looking at old tombstones. Dad always cautioned us, "Don't step on the graves." Out of respect sure but since the wooden coffins deteriorated long ago, he said we might find ourselves sinking along with collapsing soil into the graves. Mom's worry was poisonous snakes like copperheads and rattlers lurking in the shaggy grass. "Watch where you step," she admonished at each cemetery for fear we'd forgotten her previous warnings. Believe me when I tell you, we were more apt to forget Mom's warning than Dad's. To this day, we still watch where we step in the cemeteries.
Our first stop, Montevallo Cemetery, began our family tree lesson. The timber lined road led down a steep embankment to a shallow creek. That's where Dad stopped the car. In the summer, Mill creek was mostly mud which made it easy to walk across. After a short walk through a hayfield, we were at the cemetery. My brother and I were always fascinated by a cement platform, with two white metal chairs and a table on it, over a Montevallo banker/ Notary Public and his wife's grave. Back in those days, no one ever brought furniture to a cemetery. Years later, I hated to hear the furniture had been stolen.
There was a family connection with this banker. Dad's father's brother had a violent disagreement with him in the early 1900's about Dad's grandmother's farm land. Dad's Uncle Preston went to prison for attempted murder.
Amid Confederate soldiers and bushwhackers, my father's two grandfathers, Union soldiers, were laid to rest along side their wives and offspring. One homesteader grandfather, Hiram Taylor, returned to farm after the war. The other a homesteader as well, Charles Bullock, was a druggist after the war. Back in the day when plants, gathered from the timber, were turned into potions and compounds, he built a successful hardware/drug store in Montevallo. This civic minded grandfather was on the school board. He believed his children should have a good education.
Next to Charles and his wife, Harriet, was Dad's father, William (Button) Bullock, who had a reputation for being a partier like his brother, Preston. Button became a druggist after his schooling to be a doctor at St. Louis Medical College was cut short by Charles's death in 1895. Button took over the hardware/drug store from Harriet. He died at age 50 in 1924. In all fairness, a hereditary heart condition was the cause of death but this fun loving man's life style may have hastened his demise. Our musically talented Grandpa didn't miss a summer celebration, and most towns had one. He played the trumpet in Montevallo Order of Modern Woodmen of American lodge's band during the parades.
Button's wife, Addie, had to care for my dad and four other children. When the telephone came along, she cleaned out her fancy parlor and had a switch board installed to become Montevallo's first telephone exchange. Family friend, Eldon Steward, Eldorado Springs, Mo., told me when he was in the army he called home to talk to his mother. The reception was so bad Addie had to relay every word of the conversation. When Addie died in 1968, it was her wish to dig Grandpa Button up and bury them both in the Nevada cemetery. She said the Montevallo cemetery was too far back in the sticks to suit her. She refused to be buried there so Grandpa had to be moved.
Not far down the road, we visited Mom's two baby sisters graves, died 1919 and 1929, at Olive Branch Cemetery. The church sits close by where Mom's mother, Veder Bright, walked with her children to church. In that church one of Mom's brothers, Everett Bright, Nevada, Mo., married his childhood sweetheart, Lois Nichols, who lived close by.
Located east of Montevallo is Walnut Grove cemetery. We'd visit the grave of Isabel Taylor, a Black American. A slave before the Civil War, she was a neighbor to my parents and older brother, Billy, in the late thirties. Isabel walked with a limp, because her owner beat her with a single tree brace.
After the Civil War, "New" Montevallo was built. "Old" Montevallo had been burnt by the Wisconsin 3rd Calvary Regiment. The new hotel needed a cook so the owner hired Isabel and moved her to town. She outlived the hotel, became a nanny until the family's three boys grew up then the great grandmother of the boys moved in with Isabel to live out their lives together. Isabel had the distinction of being the only Black in town. She was affectionately known by all as Aunt Isabel. In 1943, 95 year old Aunt Isabel fainted on the wood cookstove. She was badly burnt. Montevallo citizens took turns sitting by her bedside, including my parents, day and night until she died. Her grave lays under a cedar tree, surrounded by a square of cement blocks. Not far from her is the grave of the man who hired her as a cook. He paid for her burial.
Next, we went to Virgil City Cemetery. All that's left of the town is an old shed. We visited Mom's great grandparents. Her parents sent her to live with John and Alvina Bright on their farm north of Montevallo when she was sixteen. She stayed two years to care for them. Mom missed every day contact with her family, but she loved her great grandparents. Great Grandma passed away in 1932. Great Grandpa moved in with Mom's grandparents, ending Mom's caregiving. In those days, families took care of their elderly relatives until they died.
Mom remembered her Great Grandfather as a gentle soul. Rheumatism caused him a lot of pain so he often had Mom rub a homemade liniment on his joints. Great Grandma, Alvina, had the title Blind Grandma tacked on her. So family lore goes, Alvina went blind one day when she stepped out of the outhouse. No one could give me a good reason why. So going blind went into the list of reasons why I worried about using our outhouse along with dive bombing mud dobbers, stepping or sitting on a black snake and the mean rooster laying in wait for me to come out.
Next stop was Moore Cemetery in Nevada to Luther and Flora Belle Bright's graves. Mom's grandmother, Flora Belle Bright, was known as Indian Grandma by the grownups in the family. Her heritage wasn't a matter for discussion with other people though they may have suspected. She was young when Mom's Grandpa Luther, a farmer, brought her home from Kansas. They became a well respected couple in Montevallo. Getting away from the farm for an all day drive sounded like fun when we started, but as the day dragged on and the cemeteries rolled by, John and I wanted to nap between stops. We'd curl up in the back seat until Dad looked in the rearview mirror. He'd say, "Stay awake." or "Sit up." He feared the old exhaust system was leaking into the car, and we might not ever wake up if he let us alone. By that time, we were tired, sweaty, cranky and asking often, "Can we go home now?"
Before Mom passed away, my husband and I took her back to Missouri. For me and her, this was a going back in time trip as we traveled to all the back roads cemeteries again. This time I took a camera. We owned a camera in the fifties but we didn't think about taking pictures of our outings in those days. For Mom's last trip, we bought plenty of silk flowers so she could decorate graves just like in the fifties.
She even put out extra decorations at Olive Branch Cemetery. Eldon Steward's grandparents, George and Bessie Hiestand are buried by their baby next to Mom's two sisters. The Heistands were life long friends of my grandparents and parents. After all of us moved to Iowa, the Hiestands took flowers for the Bright babies when they decorated their baby's grave. This one time, Mom returned the favor.
After ten years of taking care of my father who had Alzheimer's, Mom enjoyed the journey home to connect with the past which held pleasant memories for our whole family. Because I took her to all those cemeteries again, I hope she came back to Iowa with the peace of mind that she taught her children a life lesson years ago that would stick with them. Remember and honor those that came and went before you, because they had a hand in shaping who you are. And just as important, she wanted me to remember to always put out red roses for Dad and for her any spring flowers would do.
Happy Memorial Day!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Author Fay Risner Gets Great Book Review
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and grandmothers. We celebrated the evening with my husband's 91 year old mother and his siblings and their families, having pieces of several cakes, ice cream and strawberries from my garden.
Saturday, I used the time to reflect on how much I miss my mother who passed away ten years ago while I baked a cake. Her specialty was Angel Food Cake made from scratch. For decades, everyone in the family had a decorated cake for their birthday and other relatives asked my mother to make wedding cakes for them. I didn't feel like I could live up to her great cakes so I didn't try to make one while she was alive. However when we have an abundance of eggs, it seems natural to want to bake a cake just like my mother. Alas, it has taken me several tries to master getting a successful cake. The steps to putting the cake together is precise and takes time. Brought back memories of my mother scolding my brother and me ahead of time to not slam the door on our way outside because it would make her cake fall. She always seemed anxious to get us to leave the house so she could concentrate on a perfect cake. Now I can see why. If the way my cake disappeared on a table with three others I think the Mother's Day cake must have been a good one. I came home with two small slices left.
Mother Nature provided a nice day now that our two weeks of rainy season is behind us. Looks like we're starting summer which is going to be perfect for a visit by three of my cousins who live in Nevada, Missouri. I am so looking forward to their visit. As children we spent a lot of weekends together on my parents farm. We have lots of reminiscing to do when they get here.
Since we've had a warmer winter and spring in Iowa, we are a month ahead with plant growth. My flowers have bloom early, the trees are leafed out and my husband has already mowed the hay for the first time. So making hay is on the schedule for this week. That is one hot, itchy job I don't look forward to.
In this post, I want to share with you how one reader feels about my Nurse Hal Among The Amish series. One of the things I love about being able to communicate by email with book buyers is I ask them to let me know what they think of my books. That feedback is so important to me. Keeps me on the right track with story lines that please the readers. I've been lucky that they respond with the nicest and very helpful suggestions. If you are just learning about my book business I must tell you I sell the books I write from my home as well as online at my bookstore . The books I sell at home I can sign which is a reason for customers to contact me personally. Besides that I've loved the one on one with the buyers from all around the country. We've gotten to know each other and chat quite often through emails in between book releases.
Recently, I received this detailed review about my latest book As Is Her Name So Is Redbird which is the fourth in the Nurse Hal Among The Amish series. The readers says:
You can write another Hal story at any time now. I finished the newest one this afternoon. Annie's shooting being accidental was a surprise twist. And I thought surely Eli and Mary Mast would receive Beth to raise since they lost their own baby girl. (That would have been a nice touch to the story and perhaps a predictable one. I didn't consider giving the baby away, because I thought the Lapp family was attached to her, and she was a reminder of Annie who they loved like a daughter and missed. Now Nurse Hal will be raising two daughters which are like having a set of twins. This might lead to some hectic and funny stories in the future. Buy my books and find out.)
I really love Tom Turkey, so please don't kill him off as he's such fun. I loved the book, and I expected Stella would say no to Annie joining the Amish church.
Another thing I really appreciate about the Nurse Hal books is they are properly Old Order Amish with the outhouses and heating the water and heating with wood. I'm glad you didn't give Hal a gas cooking stove but kept the wood one. Please don't get rid of it!!! The one thing I don't like about the Old Order Amish fiction that other authors write is that you can't tell much difference between those Amish and Englishers as they have very modern appliances run by gas or propane and have indoor plumbing. Keep up the good work and keep Nurse Hal and her family very old-fashioned! I would guess some of Nurse Hal's life is based on your own.
My reply is, Yes, I'd say some of the farm scenes are from my experiences. It's easy to write about farm life since I've spent my life in the country with a few head of a variety of livestock most of the time such as cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, goats, rabbits, turkey, chickens, ducks and more. From time to time, strange or funny events happened while I've been caring for these animals and birds so you see it's easy to come up with moments in my Nurse Hal books that make the readers laugh.
I agree with the reader about liking the old fashion Amish. Years ago when I was first married my husband and I went to visit his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins in Arkansas. They still used the wood cookstoves and had outhouses. Of course, my parents had just barely put in a bathroom in our Iowa home so I was not long from the outhouse experience, but my mom had a gas cookstove for some time. I was small enough when the change in cookstoves came about that I just barely remember the wood stove. So when we ate with the Arkansas relatives I found I loved the flavor of biscuits, eggs and bacon as well as all the other slow cooked from scratch dishes the cooks prepared. Part of the appeal of those vacations were feeling like I'd gone back in time to a slower paced world that brought back memories of my childhood. Although the cooks were glad for to move into new homes with modern kitchens and bathroom, I missed that once a year visit back into the past.
When I first started my Nurse Hal Among the Amish series I did think about making the Lapp kitchen modern for Nurse Hal, but as long as she has Emma doing much of the cooking getting a gas cookstove got put on the back burner so to speak. That's one of the things that has surprised me about being an author is the way the stories rule my thinking. I might be headed one direction and find myself taking the story another way. In this case, it's a good thing I didn't let John Lapp buy a gas cookstove.
If you readers really like the books you're reading remember how helpful and important to the author it is when you leave a good review for the others to see. It helps the author's book sales.
Have a good week.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Author Fay Risner's Latest Book Released
My latest book is a historical post Civil War story set in Texas County, Mo. This book tells the story of Serbina Monroe Harris known as Sibby by her family and friends. The story takes place from the end of the Civil War to the end of her life.
The ebook can be found in Kindle and Nook Stores and in paperback on Amazon and in my bookstore Just look for Tread Lightly Sibby by Fay Risner.
The cover picture holds special meaning for me. The wedding picture is my grandparents - Addie and William Bullock in July 1902. They are such a good looking couple I couldn't resist using them for Sibby and Brice Monroe.
Here is the synopsis on the back cover of the book.
Serbina Ellen Monroe had high hopes at the end of the Civil War for life to be better than it had been during the last four strife filled years. Her husband, Brice, came home from the war wounded, but he had fully recovered. His gristmill and sawmill were busy. Sibby looked forward to the day when lawless renegades in the area were replaced with law abiding citizens. She wanted Texas County, Missouri to be a safe place for her children to grow up. A place where folks lived side by side without being labeled as a Federalist or Confederate sympathizer. Suddenly, Sibby finds her world shattered. Two lawmen, escorting two horse thieves, back to Springfield talk Brice into traveling through the wilderness grove with them. Two weeks later when a young boy finds the thieves dangling from the end of ropes in the grove, Brice is the only one around to point the finger at. He says he's innocent, but he knows he won't be able to find an unbiased jury. There are men in Texas County that have their own reasons for wanting Brice Monroe out of the way. His only alternative is to run as far from Texas County, Missouri as he can get.
I have an Aunt and Uncle in Texas County and have enjoyed many vacations in that area. It just seemed like the perfect place to set this story. Mark Twain National forest runs north of Huston. Roads run between the timbered hills and rocky bluffs in roller coaster fashion. Deer and turkey graze in pastures with cattle.
Soon I'll post the first chapter of Tread Lightly Sibby so you can see what the book is like. Have a good week where ever you are.
Here is the synopsis on the back cover of the book.
Serbina Ellen Monroe had high hopes at the end of the Civil War for life to be better than it had been during the last four strife filled years. Her husband, Brice, came home from the war wounded, but he had fully recovered. His gristmill and sawmill were busy. Sibby looked forward to the day when lawless renegades in the area were replaced with law abiding citizens. She wanted Texas County, Missouri to be a safe place for her children to grow up. A place where folks lived side by side without being labeled as a Federalist or Confederate sympathizer. Suddenly, Sibby finds her world shattered. Two lawmen, escorting two horse thieves, back to Springfield talk Brice into traveling through the wilderness grove with them. Two weeks later when a young boy finds the thieves dangling from the end of ropes in the grove, Brice is the only one around to point the finger at. He says he's innocent, but he knows he won't be able to find an unbiased jury. There are men in Texas County that have their own reasons for wanting Brice Monroe out of the way. His only alternative is to run as far from Texas County, Missouri as he can get.
I have an Aunt and Uncle in Texas County and have enjoyed many vacations in that area. It just seemed like the perfect place to set this story. Mark Twain National forest runs north of Huston. Roads run between the timbered hills and rocky bluffs in roller coaster fashion. Deer and turkey graze in pastures with cattle.
Soon I'll post the first chapter of Tread Lightly Sibby so you can see what the book is like. Have a good week where ever you are.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Methodist Church Women's Conference Book Event
April 21, 2012 I was invited to attend the Women of Peace United Methodist Parish New Life Conference at the Methodist Church in Van Horne, Iowa. It was a fun day of food and fellowship with a cheerful Spring feel. The table coverings and decorations were pastels for spring. I won one of the decorations by picking up one of the few pink napkin in the stack when I was in line for lunch.
The Gospel singer was JayDee Carter. Speakers were Carol Hoyt and Doris Markwitz. Carolyn Moe from Gifts and Gracies, a Christian store in Gladbrook, brought books and items from her shop, and I had a table for my books.
How did I get invited to display my books at this event? I'm not considered a Christian genre author, but I write wholesome books with seriousness and humor combined. Many of my books are Iowa based in fictional towns. The organizer of the conference has known me for years and is aware that the type of books I write are suitable for a church event. Many of the women that attended know me or about me as an author. I enjoyed talking to everyone about my books when they stopped by my table with questions about how I choose to write the stories.
I haven't done a google search for awhile to see if my name or books pop up in new places so I took the time to do that this morning. I've watched my activity increase on google until I'm up to 17 pages which took me awhile to get through. I made note of a few of the entries about my books that were new to me.
Clubreadblogger had a blog on summary of books by and about Iowans read by the book club. One member had read Christmas Traditions-An Amish Love story and learned about the Amish practice of shunning a person who left the Amish community and the Amish lifestyle.
Crown Deals - St. Luke Hospital, Cedar Rapids, Iowa's bookstore has my nonfiction Alzheimer's book linked to Amazon- Hello Alzheimer's Good Bye Dad.
Amish Pen Pals by Jrgen has links to Amazon for my Amish books as well as others. has several of my books linked to Amazon to be purchased.
Elesco Host Connection called attention to my story in Good Old Days Magazine titled Lincoln Highway Station
Book Finder 4 u - has my books on site linked to Amazon
Booktopia in Austrialia has my books for sale
Amish Iowa Shockwave falsh Mitra Document has my Amish books linked to Amazon
Powell's Books has all my books linked to Google ebooks
A1 outlet has my books and ebookXP links the books to Amazon.
Alibris in U.S. And UK have my books and Bookadda Bookstore in India has them.
The last few weeks haven't been very productive as far as writing on the next book goes. I've been out in the barn taking care of newborn lambs and goats. Now we have hens hatching chicks so we have to keep a close watch on them. As soon as the hen and chicks are ready to leave the nest we put them in a safe room away from the cats who think the cheeping babies are sparrows. My husband thinks a fox was prowling in the machine shed last night, looking for a chicken to carry off. He didn't find one. We've learned to be one step a head of the wild animals in the neighborhood.
So that's it for this post. Next week I'll have another new book to tell about that's already been released.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Research Trip To Kalona, Iowa
The Kalona Salebarn had a draft horse sale last Monday and Tuesday. We aren't in the market to buy, but we love to watch the large work horses prance around the ring put through their paces by Amish farmers. The place was packed so I know we aren't the only ones who like to watch. For me, it's a good chance to study Amish families so it's a research day.
In back, the salebarn has a walk way above the holding pens so we toured over the horses. Evidently, we weren't close enough to get a good look. My husband decided we should walk down between the pens. Up close, the draft horses look like giants which was way too close for me. Paying more attention to what was in the pens than the alley, I soon found myself standing right where a pair of large black horses needed to go to be put in a pen which was behind me. I danced one way then the other and came to a halt behind my husband who flattened himself against a pen until the horses walked by.
We took a tour of the parking lot. The day before had been a sale of old machinery, buggies and the unusual. One small enclosed buggy caught my attention. I was trying to figure out where the door for it was when one man said if I had been there on Monday I could have bought the buggy. I told him I didn't know what I would do with it. We didn't have a horse to hook to it. I never did find the door.
The strangest sight for me was a carriage that reminded me of the one in the Cinderella fairy tale. I always take my camera, looking for Amish pictures that might work on a book cover. I couldn't resist getting a shot of the carriage minus Cinderella.
I took some pictures of the row of parked Amish buggies. The latest style of buggy must be a small, square plexi glass, one seat buggy. Light weight and easy to see out of all the way around. Looked like the only way to climb in was over the seat. On our ride in the country, we passed one such buggy with two young girls in it. I don't take close ups of Amish people so I didn't take their picture in the buggy. I did come home with plenty of farm scenes and a one room school which I will be using in my next book in the Nurse Hal Among The Amish series. Check out some of my book covers to see the pictures I've used.
Amish cooks had baked many pies and angel food cakes for the bake sale and a grill was going to serve lunches. Just looking at the pies made me hungry for a rhubarb pie so as soon as we got home I went to my garden and pulled enough stalks to bake a pie. The first pie of the season always tastes the best.
The salebarn Amish cafe was really busy. Guess many had the same thought we did that if we ate at eleven we'd beat the rush. No such luck, but we knew about another good place to eat. We wanted to stop by the Mennonite grocery store so we ate in the deli there.
Since it was Tuesday the Amish stores in the country weren't open. It's their day off. We drove around, admiring the Amish gardens and picturesque farmsteads. One garden had the biggest cabbage or cauliflower plants I've seen for this time of year. I can't imagine when the seed had to be planted in the house or greenhouse to grow plants that big. Some gardens had rows of milk jugs with fragile plants under them.
We stopped by a well known Raha green house near Wellman to just look around. I have all the tomato plants and peppers I need which I started in February and always enough flowers carried over from the year before to set out. What caught my eye was the pots of Cassia didymobotrya which is known as popcorn cassia. The sign said smell the leaves. I rubbed a leave between my thumb and finger. Believe it or not, the smell is like buttered popcorn and the flowers are yellow and shaped something like popcorn. As usual, I waited until I was home to wish I had bought one of those plants for my mother-in-law. Oh well, maybe we'll be going back soon. I'll pick up a plant next time.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Nurse Hal Series First Chapter Lastest Book
I'd like to share with you the first chapter of my latest Amish book As Is Her Name So Is Redbird which is number 4 in the Nurse Hal Among The Amish series.
If you've ever lived in an older farm house like I have most of my life you can recall the invasion of mice when fall is in the air. Nurse Hal can't stand the thought of a mouse loose in the house with her. When that happens, she will go to any extreme to get rid of the creature.
Chapter 1
Hal Lapp took a deep breath and blurted out to her step daughter, "So, Emma, are you going to assist me with delivery when I go into labor?"
The iron skillet the sixteen year old girl had dried slid out of her hand and banged down on top the wood cookstove.
Hal flinched. "Mercy!"
Afraid to look over her shoulder at Emma, she turned the kettle she was washing toward the window for more light to see in it. She concentrated on the inside to see if she'd gotten it clean and continued causally, "It's just that I've been thinking. Right after our medical clinic was built, Jane Bontrager brought up the idea of using it for a birthing clinic. Since I haven't had one single Plain woman want to deliver here yet, it looks like I'm going to be the first. I need to plan for the big day. After all, I may only have two weeks left." Hal hesitated, thinking about what to say next. She had hinted at needing the girl's help before, but Emma always changed the subject. What would convince Emma to help her?
She looked out the window and saw evidence that her due date was getting closer. Mid March was showing hopeful signs of a much awaited early spring in Iowa. The sun basked the greening yard in a warm glow. Busy chickens scattered, scratching for an early nightcrawler or trying to uncover a nest of hiding lady bugs. One of Emma's roosters extended his neck and crowed several times. The other rooster answered from the barn yard.
Utter silence from Emma. Finally Hal twisted to look at her. The panic plastered on Emma's pale face highlighted her freckles. She was staring at Hal while she unconsciously wadded and unwadded the dish towel in her hands.
Hal insisted, "Well?"
Emma opened her mouth and closed it, struggling to find her voice. She took a deep breath and exclaimed adamantly, "Ach, nah. You can not be serious, asking me a question like that."
"Very serious. I don't have much time to waste. I have to have a plan in place. I'll need help." Hal pressed, "I want you to be my help."
Emma swallowed hard and stuttered, "I – I think we should pick a gute midwife to help this first time. We could both use some teaching about childbirth from someone with experience. I have never done such as this. You are a nurse and have taken classes, but you are the first to admit you have not the experience when it comes to delivering babies. For sure, you will not be a help to anyone assisting you once you are in labor. Another thing ----."
Hal interjected, "Why would you say something like I won't be a help?"
A blush flushed Emma's face as she pictured Hal in labor. She averted her eyes and busied herself scooting the skillet on the stove to a warmer place to finish drying it. "Believe me, it will all be very different from your view of things at the head of the bed. What if something went wrong? I would not know what to do. Another thing, I do not know how calm I can be when it is you I am helping give birth. We need someone else not related to you with experience enough to have a level head," Emma reasoned frankly.
Hal laughed. "You know what? I think you're right. We better come up with plan B before the end of March."
"Jah! And a whole team already in place very soon, just encase, to take care of the surprises," Emma predicted, rolling her eyes toward the ceiling. "As well as I know you, Hallie Lapp, I know we need to be prepared for the unexpected. No matter what the situation, always when you are around we have surprises."
Hal giggled as she finished washing the last pan and placed it in the rinse water. She wrung out the dish cloth and proceeded to wash off the table. Emma dried the stainless steel pot and headed for the lower cupboard on the end of the counter. The pot hit the floor with a loud clatter. A gush of air expelled from the girl as she propelled back and braced herself against the counter.
Hal had been feeling edgy lately. It didn't take much to put her over the edge. She glanced from the pot on the floor to Emma and admonished, "Fudge! I didn't mean to upset you this much. I said I'd come up with a plan B. Why are you still upset?"
Emma shook her head. "That is not it. A mouse just came out of the cupboard and scared me."
Hal wrinkled her nose and searched the floor. "That's awful."
"Jah. Now we have to wash all the pots and pans it walked in," Emma said resignedly.
"That won't do a bit of good if we don't catch the mouse. He will be back in the cupboard in the night. Where did he go?"
Emma pointed behind the cookstove. "Under the corner of the wood box."
Hal studied the wood box with disgust. "We have to run that awful creature out from under there and get it out of the house."
"I can have the boys bring in Buttercat," Hal suggested.
"You know Daed does not like a cat in the house," warned Emma, keeping her eye on the wood box for any quick movement of the mouse. "Is your memory so short you do not remember how Daed acted last time you brought Buttercat inside?"
Hal countered, "I remember all right that Buttercat is good at his job. Is your memory so short you don't remember Buttercat caught that mouse."
Emma gave her a grumpy look.
"All right. We'll do this ourselves. We need to pull the wood box back, and the nasty animal will run out." Hal started for the opposite side of the cookstove.
"Stop!" Emma snapped. "You are not going to pull on that heavy wood box in your condition. I will do it, but what do we do to catch the mouse when he runs out?"
"Oh yeah." Hal thought for a second. "Give me a minute." She waddled out to the mud room and came back, holding the broom, handle first in front of her. "Now when I'm ready you move the wood box."
"You can not possibly think you are going to be fast enough to poke the mouse toward the mud room door and let him outside," Emma said dryly.
"That isn't what I had in mind," Hal huffed. She turned the broom around and stuck the broom's straw head over her shoulder. "Now I'm ready."
Emma took up position at the opposite end of the wood box. She waited while Hal sidled in the small space between the box and the cookstove.
"Now, Emma, tug."
Emma jerked. The box inched back. The mouse eased out and flattened to the floor, indecisive about what to do next. Hal lifted the broom and felt resistance as she swiftly brought the broom down. Even when she heard the grating crunch behind her, she kept the broom coming hard and fast toward the mouse. Not even the yelp from Emma kept her from her mission. That nasty creature wasn't going back in the pan cupboard ever again. Once the broom straws hit the floor over the mouse, Hal glanced over her shoulder. A dangling stove pipe, hooked to the wall pipe, quivered, spilling soot on top of Emma.
That dismal sight caused Hal to shift the broom slightly on the floor. She looked down as the mouse hunkered just beyond the broom then sprinted fast toward the cupboard. "Oh nah, the mouse is headed for the pots and pans again," Hal said in a panic.
She raised the broom over her shoulder, tangled with the pipe again. The blow put the pipe into a swinging motion. Soot sifted over Hal this time. Oblivious about the calamity behind her, she concentrated on her aim and clobbered the mouse. Once the broom was on top of the gross little creature, Hal quickly stepped on the straws. She watched the floor around her feet to make sure she had succeeded. A feeling of victory surged through her when she heard loud squeaks emitted from under the broom. Hal proudly announced, "I got him."
"You got me too," coughed Emma, batting at smoke billowing from the stove pipe attached to the cookstove.
Dumbfounded, Hal couldn't believe her eyes. Emma's face was streaked with soot and black specks continued on down her dress. Her white prayer cap was now mostly black and sifting soot into Emma's light brown hair. No way was that cap ever going to come clean. Maybe not even the dress. "Fudge! The pipe's broke. You're a mess," Hal stated.
Emma swiped with her dress sleeve at the black ring that circled her mouth to keep the soot from going into her mouth when she spoke. "You should not be one to cast stones. You are a mess, too," she wheezed disgustedly.
"Did I do all this?" Hal inquired disbelievingly, taking inventory of Emma, the mess behind the stove and the smoky room. Her throat began to tickle. She tried to wave the smoke away from her face with her hand but the effort was useless.
Emma retorted, "You certainly did. We better fix the pipe fast before Daed comes back. I am having trouble breathing with the way the kitchen is filling up with smoke," She reached for the dangling pipe and withdrew her hand quickly. "Ouch!" She snapped and put a finger in her mouth.
"What's wrong?"
"The stove pipe is too hot to hold, and it is bent. It will not fit back on the other piece without straightening the opening," said Emma, perplexed.
As if things weren't bad enough the living room banged. John called, "Hal, Emma, we have company." A pause then he said, "Hurry, Elton. The kitchen is full of smoke."
Bishop Elton Bontrager's voice filled with good humor as he replied, "Is Hal baking bread again?"
Hal rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. Why did John always tell Elton about her goofs so they could have a good laugh at her expense? Well, this was one time her husband wouldn't have to bother share with the bishop. Elton would get to see first hand, and she feared John wasn't going to find this dilemma one bit funny.
John, Elton and his wife, Jane, burst into the kitchen. Jane stared at Hal a second with her hand clamped over her mouth as she choked. The way her warm brown eyes sparkled, Hal figured the older woman was more choked from surpressing humor than on the smoke.
As John Lapp rushed across the kitchen, his dark brown eyes narrowed at Hal with annoyance. "Get the windows open." As he rushed behind the stove, he scolded, "Hal you should not try cleaning the flue out with a fire in the cookstove. This could have waited until spring."
Jane and Emma raised the windows. The breeze fluttered the white half curtains and thinned down the smoke in the room. Emma handed Jane a dish towel, and they moved about the room, waving their towels.
John took his chore gloves out of a hind pant pocket, put them on and grabbed the pipe hooked to the cookstove. He tried to fit it in the pipe sticking out of the flue.
Elton stood behind John, watching. His face changed from rosy red to beet red as he tried to breathe. "Can I help, John?"
Concentrating on his task, John said, "Somehow the stove pipe has gotten really bent. It will not slide together. Elton, get me a pair of pliers from the tool bucket in the mud room."
As the short, heavy set man rushed into the mud room, the back door slammed. Noah and Daniel past Elton and came into the kitchen. They stopped short and waved the smoke away from their faces.
Daniel's doe like dark eyes widened as he whispered, "What is going on?"
"I do not think we better ask. Look how dirty Mama Hal and Emma are. From the way Daed looks, I think they are probably in trouble with him," Noah replied gravely.
"Why is it we always miss out when something gute happens?" Daniel groaned softly.
Hal held her breath as long as she could, breathed in and sucked smoke into her already burning lungs. She wrapped her arms around her expanding waist and coughed hard. Jane bolted around the table to help her and stubbed her toe on the broom handle. Hal caught the older woman as she stumbled. Jane uprighted herself, looked down to see what she tripped on and back at Hal. Her voice was a flat statement. "You are standing on your broom."
"I know," Hal said hoarsely.
Jane tugged on Hal's arm. "You must get out of here into fresh air. This smoke is not good for you to breathe."
"I can't leave yet. I'm standing on a mouse under the broom, and it may not be dead," Hal said stubbornly. "I don't want him to get away after we went to all this trouble to catch him."
From behind the stove, Elton said incredulously to John, "Did all this happen because of a mouse?"
"Sounds like it probably did," said John matter a factly.
"It would have been a lot simplier to bring a cat in to catch the mouse," Elton surmised.
"Here take the pliers," John said, ending the conversation.
Hal and Emma fanned their faces as they coughed. Jane held a hanky over her nose. "You both need out of here, mouse or no mouse."
"Wait!" Hal saw the boys, standing in the corner. She motioned to Noah and Daniel. "Come here." She said, "Daniel, place one of your feet between my feet." He did. "Now when I move my other foot you step onto the broom." Daniel gave Hal a thoroughly bewildered gaze as she stepped off. "You're standing on a mouse under the broom. I'll let you boys figure out how to get him from under your feet and out of the house. Please, after all this don't let him get away," Hal pleaded, patting her chest.
Once they got out on the front porch, the women inhaled deep breaths of fresh air between coughing spells.
When they quieted down, Jane exclaimed, "I can breathe so much better now."
"I agree," Hal said huskily, clearing her throat. The chilly east breeze picked up, causing her to shiver.
"You should have your coat on. This no time to catch a cold," Jane scolded.
"Nah, I don't want to have to wash the soot off my gute coat." Hal studied Emma a minute. "You look awful covered with black soot."
"You should see yourself. You look just as awful," Emma said and giggled.
Jane surveyed both of them and chuckled. Suddenly all three women were laughing until tears smudged the soot on Hal and Emma's faces.
Emma said, "I am going to get you a chair so you can sit down, Hallie. You have been on your feet long enough." She brought back two chairs, and a blanket for Hal. Jane opened the screen door to let her out. "Jane, you sit too and talk to Hallie. I'm going to get washed up and change clothes before it is time to fix dinner."
"Put on plenty of water and let me know when you're done with the tub," Hal told her.
After Emma left, Jane said, "Seems as though we picked a bad morning to come visit."
"I can't imagine what you think of me. I'm sorry you got in this mess," Hal declared.
"I am not one bit sorry. I can always count on you to perk up my day, Hallie Lapp," said Jane, giggling.
Hal looked over her shoulder and uttered ruefully, "Denki, but I hope John sees this morning that way. He's not so calm about accidents sometimes."
Jane chuckled. "In that case, we will leave as soon as Elton gets done helping John. We are on our way to Wickenburg. We stopped so I could find out if you have a plan in place for the big day. Are you going to the hospital?"
Hal's attention was on Noah and Daniel as they came from behind the house, headed to the barn. Daniel carried the mouse by its tail. The body looked limber. She didn't have to worry about Buttercat letting that one get away so it could find its way back to the house.
"Hal, did you hear me?"
Jane's voice brought Hal back to her company. "Sorry, I was watching the boys take the mouse to the barn and thinking good riddance. What did you say?"
"I asked if you had a plan for help when the baby arrives?"
"Oh, jah. It wouldn't be a very good recommendation if I went to the hospital and then expected Plain women to come to my birthing clinic when it's their turn. Emma didn't want me to be her first assist at helping a birthing patient so I'll ask Rachel Kitzmiller at church on Sunday to help me. Emma can watch and help her to get the experience."
"Des gute idea. I think you and Emma have made a wise decision. Rachel has brought many babies into the world safely. She is a gute choice," Jane said approvingly.
About a half hour later, John and Elton came out the screen door. Emma, scrubbed clean, was right behind them.
"We should leave," Elton told Jane.
"Denki for your help, Elton," John said.
"Hallie, I have your bath water ready," Emma told her.
"I'm glad. Come back soon you two." Hal waved good bye as the Bontragers walked toward their buggy.
John leaned against the porch post and folded his arms over his chest. "While you get cleaned up, Hal, maybe Emma could tell me what happened to turn the kitchen and the both of you into such a mess."
"Jah, Emma can tell you," Hal said quickly. She got a stern look from Emma for leaving her to face John. As she let the screen door bang behind her, she said, "Be back when I'm clean."
In her bedroom, Hal pulled a purple dress from a peg on the wall. She opened a dresser drawer for underwear. Her hand hit a bottle that rolled out from under the stack of panties. Rose bath oil. She'd forgotten she smuggled that bottle in when she moved. Since Amish women didn't wear perfume, Hal was afraid that bath oil would be prohibited. With the mess she was in, this seemed like as good a time as any to transgress. She needed all the help she could get to smell human again. Besides, who would know besides her. She rolled her dress around the bottle and headed for the tub.
By the time Hal bathed and washed her curly copper red hair several times to get all the soot out, Emma had dinner ready. Hal made it to the table just in time. As soon as the family finished the silent prayer, Daniel wiggled his nose like a rabbit as he sniffed the air. "I smell something sweet, but it is not Emma's food." He sniffed again. "More like flowers."
Noah took in a deep breath. "Jah, I smell it, too. It is a pleasant smell all right. What can it be?"
Hal looked from one to the other boy, amazed that bath oil as old as hers was still so potent. She was already in more than enough trouble with John. She was dumb to add one more thing to her Make John Unhappy list. Why didn't she ever think of the consequences before she acted? Generations of dead Lapps were probably screaming protests from their graves about her offending transgression, smelling up their house with her Englischer bath oil.
Curious now, Emma sniffed and surmised, "It is the smell of roses. We do not have roses in bloom this time of year. Where can it be coming from?"
Hal ducked her head and picked at her food.
John leaned closer to Hal and sniffed. His lips twitched as he put her on the spot, "Hal, you are awful quiet, ain't? Have you noticed the sweet smell in the air?"
Hal gave John a painful I've been busted look. "I've noticed, hopefully, the smell will go away soon."
For the first time since John found the kitchen a mess, he smiled. He must have figured Hal had been through enough for one day. He winked at her as he said, "I think the boys will agree the smell of roses is much more pleasant than the smell of a kitchen full of smoke."
"Oh, jah," Noah agreed. "The smell is much better than smoke."
Hal relaxed and ate her lunch. Looked as though there was one advantage to being pregnant. Her family took sympathy on her for her mistakes.
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