From July until October, I wasn't on the computer with the exception to check emails once in awhile. I didn't have time to miss writing for those months while my husband was sick. My wanting to get back to work came later when I had more time at home. Hubby is feeling much better and the new year is looking up.
The daily work of writing involves spending many hours alone with my mind full of characters that I've made up. Sometimes, it seems like I am the one who is in their heads. After writing each book in the series, it becomes easier to put together another story about them, because I know each of them so well by now. In fact sometimes it is a surprise to me when the story leads me in a scene hadn't thought about until I was writing it.
I'm editing the fifth Nurse Hal Among The Amish book right now titled Emma's Gossamer Dreams and will have it ready to publish by the first of January. So state tuned for the release.
It really helps when I hear from readers after they read my books. Their opinion of the characters is very important to me. That's why I was so thrilled to find this message in my emails recently.
I am a new fan of yours! I just finished reading Book 2 in your Nurse Hal series and was wondering if you plan a third book about Hal and the Lapps. Honestly, I feel as if all of the people I've read about in the series are friends of mine, and that's thanks to the way you write. I am so curious to know what's happened to Hal and John after their camping trip in the picnic grove and if Hal actually gets baptized, marries John, and becomes mama to the Lapp children. Guess you could say I'm not ready for that series of books to be at an end.
I pray that you'll continue your writing career; what an awesome blessing from the Lord to be able to express yourself in such a way. I'm also praying for Book 3.....and 4....and 5....
The reader has A Promise Is A Promise and The Rainbow's End. Her prayers have been answered. I emailed her that she can find out the answer to her questions about Nurse Hal and the Lapp family in book 3 - Hal's Worldly Temptations and book 4 - As Her Name Is So Is Redbird. Now in a few weeks book 5 will be ready - Emma's Gossamer Dreams.
There are many sites online that carry my books now. Amazon, Smashwords, Create Space Self Publishing bookstore, my own bookstore and from me with an email to order. I put the readers on a mailing list and send notice of each new book. Not all in a bulk mail but one at time to each individual. I've never liked the idea of putting multiple names on a bulk email so everyone else can see other readers names.
If you like ebooks, try the kindle, nook stores and smashwords. Looking for more places? Put my name in Google Search and come up with more. Just be careful about the price. Some sites charge way too much. I probably sell my books at a lower price than anywhere you can find them and to sweeten the deal I sign each book for the reader.
I'm blessed to be able to get back to normal. I appreciate what I have more than before when I took for granite the important things in life. You have a great holiday season and look forward to hearing more from me in the coming year.

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