Thursday, December 6, 2012

Author Fay Risner Winner in Nanowrimo Contest Nov. 2012

After months of not working on a book, I came back the first of November with a passion to write something so I entered the National Novel Writing Month contest. I've entered it before so I have a better understanding of how to work on my word count to make it to the finish line. It's easy to keep track of how I'm doing with the STAT board that tells me how many words I wrote and totaled them. I check on my computer, but my word count on it is always less than on the contest site. This time I had my 50,000 plus 657 more words by November 22nd then I stopped. For making the finish line, I will get some free books when I publish this book at Create Space Self Publishing.

I had to be gone almost every afternoon, taking my husband to the clinic in Iowa City. So I was up early and writing. Now as soon as I edit the book I can publish it. This book will take a lot of editing so I'll be awhile. The site wanted a book cover so I made one. It's good to have that out of the way. Now I need a blurb for the back cover.

The title of the book is Poor Defenseless Addie - Seventh book in the Amazing Gracie Mystery series.

The story is about an elderly woman that takes in her son. He turns out to be an abusive drunk. Gracie Evans and her friends from the retirement home in Locked Rock, Iowa visit with Addie often. They notice the bruises on Addie so they tell the town Marshal. He tells Sheriff Logan to do a background check on Addie's son. In the meantime, Gracie is afraid the man is going to harm Addie. When he finds out, Gracie has been to the Marshal's office then she has to fear he will harm her.

The contest is fun to try and free. It's really great to motivate writers to get the shell of a book done. Give it a try even if you aren't sure you can write a book. No one judges the correctness of words and sentences. When a person is writing that fast the sentences are bound to be sloppy. What you want is 50,000 words to be a winner. Editing is for later when you can take your time.

Now I've got a year to think about what kind of story I'm going to write next November.

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