Monday, August 10, 2009

High school reunion

My high school reunion was Saturday night. We all had a great time and I remembered everyone by name. Amazing after 45 years of seeing almost all of them just once every five years. The fifty page book I made for one of the committee members went over well. Everyone looked at it quite often trying to refresh their memories. This was one of those kinds of occasions when we hated to end it and go home.
Sunday, my husband got up early and went with his brother fishing so I spent all day advertising my new book on the internet. Some of the websites have social connections so I could advertise on Facebook, Digg, Delicious, Sumbleupon, Technorti and yahoo buzz by just clicking a button. That only works if you are already signed up or you can sign up right on the spot.
I keep a book of all the ads websites so I can remember which ones I used for the new book. Here are a few I advertised on yesterday. You want to keep track of when the ad stops. Some sites let me know by email but not all. If you renew the ad right away, you don't have all the form work again.
Sales spider, , , stumblebee classified ads. com, , , weblegg, buy sell community. com which is one of the best. I have a store front on that site because I have so many books and they let me know to renew the ad. I have been trying to fix me a website store and doing poorly at it so I started putting buy sell community as my store. If I never get the website going I will be set with that. Craig's list which will only let you advertise an ad once so I advertise each book separate, ,, lifeplat I signed up on this morning. They want business so I call my self booksbyfay Book Store and was able to advertise all my books but I couldn't get the download to work for the one image they were going to give me.
Now that I have so many sites done I can do one or two a morning when I find new ones and it won't be so time consuming.
Didn't have time for more today. We had a 90 mile an hour wind in a thunder storm go through last night and I had to pick up limbs to day.
Gotta go fix supper,
Fay Risner
booksbyfay@yahoo to buy my books
www.buysellcommunity/booksbyfaystore to see my book covers and read about each one.

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