Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's a good day in the neighborhood

It's a good day when I've done something that helps other people. I just came from doing two presentations at the local high school Alzheimer's. The short time those health classes spend doing clinicals at the nursing home is so short they can't really get a sense of how hard it is for the residents who are suffering with Alzheimer's. I spent fifteen and a half years taking care of those residents and my father before that. I told those teenagers I made lemonade out of the lemons life handed me. First taking care of my father for ten years then my mother after that and working at the nursing home taught me so much. I wrote two books and joined the Alzheimer's Association as a volunteer, had a Alzheimer's support group for eight years. The experiences have been great, but nothing is better than talking to those young people that are just starting out and need to learn about this dreadful disease that is going to take the life away from so many elderly Americans in the next few decades if we don't find a cure.
Anyone need to learn more about this disease my books "Open A Window" a training education for all caregivers and my experiences with my father "Hello Alzheimer's Good Bye Dad" can be purchased through me at booksbyfay@yahoo or through the Lemstone Christian Bookstore in Cedar Rapids, Iowa or Amazon
Gotta Go
Fay Risner

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