Thursday, April 2, 2009

Which Came First Me or The Computer

I wonder sometimes if I'm just that dumb or does the computer just make me feel that way. I'm self taught where the computer is concerned except from my younger brother who teaches computer classes. Now that I've been entering a lot of websites to promote my books, I find nothing comes easy. I wind up emailing the support system to get help to finish enrolling. After that using the site is a breeze. I guess the moral here is never give up and have patience. When you least expect it, one of the website enrollments will go smoothly.

For once I left the computer alone and went shopping yesterday. The main objective was to take books to the Lemstone Christian Bookstore in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It's always a thrill to have a bookstore help sell your books. In most cases for a self publisher, I imagine you have to know the bookstore owners or be quite a salesman as a local author to get the bookstore to take you on during a book signing. In my case, I went to school with the couple who own the bookstore. Did that help? Maybe, but if my books hadn't passed their book qualifications, I wouldn't have had the opportunity.
Gotta Go
Fay Risner
Keystone, Iowa
booksbyfay@yahoo to buy my books from me
Lemstone Christian Bookstore in Cedar Rapids, Ia for my two books on Alzheimer's. It's time to learn more about that disease. My books are educational and train caregivers.

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