Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tips to help self publishers

Ever have to put up with a back seat driver. I did recently. It has always been routine that when I go with my husband, he does the driving. When he was sick recently, he let me drive. The doctor's office is a block off Main Street. I turned my signal on to go down Main Street as he always did. He says no go straight ahead and turn at the next block. I say nothing. A few weeks later, he is well enough to drive and he turns down Main Street. I didn't speak until after he turned, then I said you turned a block too soon. He said I wanted to see what was happening on Main Street. I reminded him I wanted to do that when I drove and he thought I shouldn't. Same thing happened when we have a choice of two routes out of town. Most of the time, we come in one end of town and go out the other when he is driving. First time I tried that he tells me I shouldn't have went home that way. Next time, he drove that is the way he drove home.

Where am I going with my parable? Simple. For years I have written stories that were considered good by those who read them. Publishers weren't interested in a no name novice with a out of the main stream book. So I decided last year to publish all fifteen of my books and sell them on For me this is the way to go. I just intended to publish one. I got so excited when I saw that book, I had to publish all of them. Would I get excited if a publisher said to me we can sell more copies faster if you let us? Sure I would, but I also would get told to change a scene because it didn't work for a city editor that doesn't know a hoot about country life. That same editor might catch more of my editing mistakes, but so far no more mistakes than I have made, I feel as good as most authors in that regard. I read books all the time and especially books written for mass media sales have editing errors. Maybe just three or four, but I find them. Readers of my books tell me that is the sort of thing they read over and never notice if the book is good. They aren't reading to check out the writing like I am. They want to be entertain and that's exactly what my books do. They are suspenseful, romantic, humorous and human interest. So if you have been struggling with trying self publishing give one book a try and see what happens. Have friends or an editor you can afford to pay let someone edit the book if that makes you feel better. Don't think you can afford the self publishing bill, try www.CreateSpace like I did. For the price of a proof, you are published. You can order one to a multitude when ever you are ready. Add a retail price to the book and you are in business. Gotta go.
Fay Risner
Keystone, Iowa to see my bio and descriptions of books. I have a wide range of genre.
booksbyfay@yahoo if you want to buy any of my books

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