Monday, February 16, 2009

Let there be light

At seven this a.m. the sun was shining and hoar frost coated the trees. Glitter danced and sparkled on every building, tree and the ground. What a beautiful sight. EXCEPT we didn't have electricity. The house was cold and the coffee had only half perked. The pot was still lukewarm so I drank the coffee anyway. I covered up on the couch and watched the time click by as I prayed to let there be light. My prayer was successful or the linemen finally found the problem, whichever you want to believe. At 9 the lights and furnace came on. Though the furnace hasn't shut off, we are toasty warm again. Yeah!
One thing I meant to mention in yesterday's blog was my first attempt at a blog. I did skim over that once, but should have stuck another reference in with my website blog. The first blog I tried was a feature of my website which I started the last of Dec. My blog entries disappeared to I knew not where. In a few days I gave up when the blog wasn't on my website where I thought it should be and I didn't know where to find it. About the time I was starting this blog which I have no trouble finding, I found my old blog in Yahoo. Go figure. I stuck with this one because it is faithful enough to keep popping up. I couldn't trust that I would be able to get back into the Yahoo blog. That is the fault of me that is not too computer savvy. I need it easy or it don't work for me.
Now today I think I will give you an excerpt from one of my books I may have mentioned before. Neighbor Watchers ISBN 1438246072 sold on and This book is a favorite of mine and has developed into four more books in the Series Of Amazing Gracie Mysteries. The character Gracie Evans is a Miss Marple in Iowa who is always in the wrong place at the right time for a mystery. Neighbor Watchers is a murder suspense, humorous and wholesome. Gracie and Melinda live in a rest home mansion for women in 1903 back in a simpler time. This is assisted living and there isn't an activity director so the women are on their own. Bored, they tear holes in the vines on the front porch and spy on the neighbors across the street. Harmless until they see who murdered one of their neighbor.

My character models were women I took care of at the nursing home. Real people with the name changed. These were characters in real life that I enjoyed being with and could see doing something like this in another life. So here is an excerpt.

Gracie watched her evidence against Mavis sail through the air and sprawl out on the grass. As badly as she wanted to go after the dress, first she had to settle Melinda down. She said hoarsely, "What's the matter with you? Be quiet. Stand still."
Commanding Melinda had no effect on her. She continued her war dance. Moving close to the squirming woman, Gracie put an arm around her shoulders to hold her still. Gracie felt the bulge trapped in the confines of Melinda's skirt move wildly back and forth, bumping against her own legs. "What the devil's under your skirt?"
Don't know, but I want shut of it. It's digging into my legs and hurting me like fire," Melinda whimpered desperately.
"Lift up your dress and let that thing loose," demanded Gracie.
Trust me when I say if you like a pleasant read you'll like my book "Neighbor Watchers."
As I related on Twitter this morning I just finished listening to Viva Visibility by Nancy Marmolego Seven quick and simple tips. She delivers them in audio to your email box. I heard tip four and can't wait for the other three. Not that I learned anything new yet, but so far her words makes me feel like I am right on target with my promoting. Believe me, that's good to know. Makes me more confident. Listen to her and see if the audio does the same for you. If not then maybe you should try her course or email me for suggestions.
Until tomorrow,
Fay Risner
books on and for Christmas Traditions An Amish Love Story

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